As all my loyal readers (both of them) know I was a slave for puns and clichés during my stint as a tabloid journo. It will come as no surprise then that I wanted to start this week's column with the chestnut 'A week is a long time in politics' but reluctantly declined on grounds of taste and common decency.
Seven days is quite a trek in the field of administrative jousting...
Houston lies some three and a half hours away from my adopted home of Austin and it was in said location where I recently spent three days and nights. First up was a fundraiser entitled 'Party like a Rockstar' for 'Planned Parenthood' or at least that's what I and my acolytes thought.
Turns out it was a 'pre-party' for the 'Rockstar' bash being held in August. This particular pre-party was on the modest scale - only about 500 people and a DJ spinning the discs in a swimming pool. Restrained American fare and all that.
Mentioning the title 'Planned Parenthood' always rouses debate. Despised by the fundamental right the organisation or should I say organization promotes pro-choice and reformed sex education. Their members lobby congress on these issues and are concerned with making health care more affordable for average Americans which is a key topic in this year's election.
With their more liberal views 'Planned Parenthood' staff and supporters traditionally vote Democrat and the event I attended was as much about cementing that base as it was about raising coffers.
'PP' are famed for their goodie bags which invariably feature condoms, lubricant and erm, after dinner mints. You tell me.
Figuring it was the 'Party like a Rockstar' event my comrades dutifully followed the rules and get dolled up in the required garb to ape our icons. Unfortunately Johnny Cash and a local Texas musician whose name escapes me stood out from the suits mostly in attendance. For your information I went as Bono in POP TV mode. Think slicked back hair and oversized sunglasses. Well at least I had the accent. Just.
Every Democratic volunteer whether they are for Clinton or Obama are all involved in one huge task - voter registration.
As much as this year's race has got people excited about politics once again the reality remains that millions of Americans have never voted in their lives. If there is one issue which can swing this campaign in favour of a Democratic candidate it is getting as many new voters to turn out and tick blue right down the ballot in November.
History dictates that when the turnout is low it favours a Republican but when it's high the Democratic party takes the White House. That's why weekends are generally devoted to voter registration.
Before you can sign up new voters you have to get deputised which is akin to being baptised though the water in this case is chilled. Generally it does end up on your forehead such is the heat here.
On my first attempt I signed up six new voters including two lads who will turn 18 just before November 4th. Over the weekend in Austin I doubled this tally by employing the tactic of nabbing people at various bus stops.
Most people are engaging and seem enthusiastic about Barack. Houston has more Republicans than Austin so there was the odd unprintable comment about Senator Obama flung in my direction.
One unsavoury incident remains ingrained in my memory and it occurred over the weekend. A fellow volunteer and I were pencilled in to register voters outside a 'Dollar' store in a poor part of Austin. Our strike rate was impressive - two new voters in the space of five minutes before we were approached by a police officer. She duly rang the owner of the block of shops who started cracking up laughing when he heard we were there for Barack Obama.
Despite pleading with the officer that we were entitled to be there she said her boss was a Republican and wanted us gone pronto. Fair enough we were on the guy's property and he can choose who he wants to be there but herein lies the problem.
Both of the voters we registered were staff working in the owner's shops and they were keen on Obama. The shoppers we stopped were equally pumped about the young Senator.
They're the ones who are fuelling this economy and have to shop in the less expensive stores as it's all they can afford. With their social background these new voters are always going to vote Democratic as the wealth is distributed more evenly. It's the rich owners who vote Republican as they've been getting generous tax breaks for the past eight years.
This whole incident summed up just what has been going on in this country for far too long.
The rich are suppressing the poor for their own selfish gain and now they're running scared as someone has the Gaul to challenge the status quo.
My Stateside antics have generated a few column inches back home. In the past week I've been featured in two newspapers and spoken on two national radio shows. I'll be uploading both of my interviews as and when I get the mp3 files emailed to me. Thanks again for the comments and emails which are greatly appreciated.
Still with me? You've made it this far as you want to know what YDD's are don't you? I'm afraid it has nothing to do with WMD's as for a start you can actually find plenty of YDD's dotted around the country
Allow 86 year old Kitty Clark to explain, "A YDD is a Yellow Dog Democrat. I'd rather vote for a yellow dog than a damn Republican."
Kitty is a delightful lady whom I encountered last week at a Travis County Democrats event. A loyal Democrat her whole life Kitty favours Hillary but loves Barack too.
Sadly she declined my offer of a dance on account of her dodgy hip. Maybe she'll take up my request if hopefully her party reclaims the White House in November.
Sadly she declined my offer of a dance on account of her dodgy hip. Maybe she'll take up my request if hopefully her party reclaims the White House in November.
I love your blog. Damn those rich Rebuplican Dollar Store owners!
So sad, but I missed your interview yesterday because I was teaching. Hopefully you can upload it onto the blog and I'll listen to it. Keep up the good work. Yes we can!!
P.S. If there were such a thing as a YDR, or a Yellow Dog Republican, I think my parents might fit the bill. Yikes.
God I hate Liberals
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